景甜流利英文受訪 暢談角色大秀GIRL POWER記者會上,面對主持人和觀眾的現(xiàn)場提問,景甜全程用流利的英語回答。睿智又大氣的回應(yīng),引發(fā)現(xiàn)場陣陣歡呼。提及角色,景甜表示飾演一位女將軍的確非常過癮,更呼吁在媒體和社會上可以看到更多女性能夠獲得與男性平等的機會與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位。她也開心地表示觀眾們可以在這部影片中感受到更多的GIRL POWER,馬特達蒙也大贊景甜的角色非常“badass”(厲害)。
瘋狂培訓(xùn)英語半年 洗澡浴室都貼滿臺詞外媒問景甜為這部電影的英文表演做了哪些準備,景甜表示自己在洛杉磯封閉訓(xùn)練了半年,連洗澡都在背臺詞,而對她自己來說,這只是第一步,更難的是如果用英文語境表達角色情緒。她還特別請了老師指導(dǎo),在日常對話中隨時隨地糾正她的發(fā)音和文法,擠出零碎時間練習。自己很清楚機會是從不留給沒有準備的人的,所以也會繼續(xù)努力練習英文?!斑@次英文對白是很大的挑戰(zhàn),因為我也沒有出國留學(xué)的經(jīng)歷,也是我們九年義務(wù)教育學(xué)的英文,剛開始試鏡的時候看到全英文劇本真是頭大,但最重要的是你不僅要把英文說好,還要用英文把戲演好,表達情感是最重要的,這是一個非常大的難題。這也是為什么我去了美國之后,導(dǎo)演和制片人一直跟我說:不要回來,多待一個是一天,他們給我找了特別好的表演老師、臺詞老師。畢竟英文不是我母語,在洛杉磯培訓(xùn)時就像把我打回了電影學(xué)院一年級,有點重生的感覺?!?br>不少網(wǎng)友紛紛留言表示:“各種膜拜,英語如此流利,好意外! 我也要向景甜學(xué)習!!!關(guān)鍵是好輕松自信啊!發(fā)音標準,語速流利,更重要的是聽力如此之好!現(xiàn)場應(yīng)變能力也很好啊!”
Host: It must have been so fun to play such a badass army commander character. What was it like for you?
Jing Tian: It was amazing! This character is an incredibly powerful female character. And she is very strong, brave and determined. As a leader of the army, she shows a lot of wisdom and courage. One of the things that I love the most of all the stories is the equality between men and women in leadership roles, the respect that all of these warriors have for one another regardless of gender, it's something that I wish we could see more in film and in real life for that matter. And also historically society and the army has been dominated by men, it's very unique to have a female general. So audiences will see this character brings a lot of girl power to the movie. Yes, she is such a kickass role. So I got to do so many awesome stunts as well. It was pretty cool.
Q: What's the stunt that you remember to be particularly challenging, that people can look forward to?
A: I think there are a lot of things people can look forward to. For me the most important thing is that I was able to work with Matt together. I'm a huge fan of yours.
Q: So I assume this is your first Comic Com experience?
A: Yes, it is, my first time.
Q: What's it been like for your so far?
A: I am so excited to be here, and also this is my first time in New York City and I look forward to see a lot of amazing things.
Q: So we just saw the new trailer for The Great Wall. It looks amazing. Tell me a little bit about the character you play in it.
A: I play a character named Lin Mae, she is the general of this army which is called The Nameless Order, and she is a such a strong, brave and determined (character). And one of the things that I love the most about the story is the equality between men and women in leadership roles. I think the respect that all of these warriors have for one another regardless of gender, it's something that I wish we could see more in film and in real life for that matter. So audiences will see this character brings a lot of girl power to the movie.
Q: And is this your first English language film as well?
A: Yes ,it is ,I’m so nervous.
Q: What was that like?
A: I went to Los Angeles for training almost like for half a year. They train me stunts, language, and also English acting. It was amazing, I am so happy.
Q: And does your character get to fight the monsters in the film?
A: Yes, such a kick-ass character. I got so many awesome stunts.
Q: What can you tell us about the monsters, cause we haven’t really seen what they look like.
A: Actually this monster is based on the Chinese history. It looks very cool, and also with some violence.
Q: What was it like working with Zhang Yimou, who’s like one of the greatest filmmakers alive?
A: It was an absolute honor. He’s one of the best directors in the world. For me, It was such a pleasured to work with him, and I learned a lot from him. I am so thankful.
Q: Do you want to make more films in English language?
A: I hope, I hope.
Q: Thank you so much!
A: Thank you!