藏品尺寸: 長:30cm 高:6.2cm 底徑:19.5cm 藏品簡介: 斗彩又稱逗彩,創(chuàng)燒于明成化時期,是釉下彩(青花)與釉上彩結(jié)合的裝飾品種。斗彩要預(yù)先在高溫(1300°C)燒成的釉下青花瓷器上,用礦物顏料進行二次施彩,填補青花圖案留下的空白并涂染青花輪廓線內(nèi)的空間,然后再入小窯經(jīng)低溫(800°C)烘烤而成。 千百年來,鴛鴦,尤其是鴛鴦戲水的詩意圖景,一直是夫妻和睦相處、相親相愛的美好象征,也是愛情堅貞與純潔的生動寫照。此器造型美觀大方而規(guī)整。其繪畫精致,紋飾構(gòu)圖嚴謹,以多層帶狀輔紋襯托主題花紋,各層花紋間以青花雙圈線相隔,裝飾飽滿但主次分明。外壁一周以斗彩飾鴛鴦戲水蓮瓣圖案,盤內(nèi)有蓮荷形暗刻。底寫篆書款“大明萬歷年制”。皆因藝匠在此要求甚嚴,精致出塵的皇帝面前,只能力求盡善盡美,鞠躬盡瘁。此器造型俊美,胎質(zhì)細致,釉色淡雅,畫筆清秀流暢,寓意喜慶吉祥,動以新意,備儲精巧,妙不可言,為大明萬歷年制御制瓷器中之精品。 Doucai,also known as tease color, was created and burned in the Ming Dynasty.It is a decorative variety combining underglaze color (blue and white)and overglaze color. The fighting color shall be pre painted on theunderglaze blue and white porcelain fired at high temperature (1300 ° C)with mineral pigments, fill the blank left by the blue and whitepattern and paint the space within the blue and white outline, and thenbaked in a small kiln at low temperature (800 ° C). Forthousands of years, the poetic picture of mandarin ducks, especiallywhen they play in the water, has always been a good symbol of theharmony and love between husband and wife, as well as a vivid portrayalof the steadfastness and purity of love. The shape of this device isbeautiful and regular. The painting is exquisite, the patterncomposition is rigorous, the theme pattern is set off by multi-layerribbon auxiliary pattern, the pattern of each layer is separated by blueand white double circle lines, the decoration is full but the primaryand secondary are clear. The outer wall is decorated with the pattern ofmandarin ducks playing in the water and lotus petals, and the lotuslotus shape is carved in the plate. At the bottom of the seal script is"Wanli system of Ming Dynasty". Because the craftsman in this verystrict requirements, refined in front of the emperor, only the abilityto strive for perfection, dedication. It has a beautiful shape, finetexture, elegant glaze color, beautiful and smooth brush, which implieshappiness and auspiciousness. It has a new meaning and is exquisitelystored. It is a masterpiece of the imperial porcelain made in Wanli yearof the Ming Dynasty.